Chemex is a (spooky) TV star

Happy Halloween!!!! 

What does manually brewed coffee have to do with spooky, scary, creepy Halloween? Well- I'm sure we could come up with plenty of entertaining ideas given the time and warped creativity. But for starters- how about its appearance in a classically disturbing film alongside Mia Farrow? Yes, we're speaking of Rosemary's Baby and poor unsuspecting mother-of-the-devil Mia Farrow's stylishly educated choice of brewing and serving by the Chemex*

 *In the real unHollywood world- Chemex brewing does not induce nor even marginally encourage the conception of the devil's offspring.  


Alright, alright- let's lighten it up a notch. The Chemex is a TV star beyond the horror genre. After all- it makes some famous appearances by James Bond hand in  From Russia with Love. Monica keeps it on hand in her famously well-decorated apartment in Friends. And from the nostalgically, assumedly more wholesome tv decade: Mary Tyler Moore continues to be every working woman's inspiration... including brewing coffee at home! 


New Coffees Round 2

As we promised - two more coffees rolling out into our cafes this week. And both are a part of our "top shelf" line. If you missed our last post on the other current offerings, check it out here. And now- on to the latest…



San Cristobal. Coban, Guatemala

This coffee represents yet another foray into new and exciting relationships for Quills, and a great representation of our “Top Shelf”coffee line. Thrive Coffee Farmers is a new importer on the specialty coffee scene, and they are pushing the envelope in how the market can work for farmers to improve their lives and the quality of the coffee they produce. In this particular Guatemalan coffee- from the small Chiyuc community- they have found a great opportunity to pursue these ends. This community’s entrance into Thrive’s network brings  new fertilizers and original approaches to fighting fungus and the growing leaf rust epidemic. Couple that with the fact that their coffee is 100% shade grown in a region with fertile limestone soil and a climate conducive to healthy, continuous, easy growth, and you have an environment ripe for long-term sustainability. This coffee’s mysterious claim of “honey processed” means that it skipped the traditional washing tanks and dried in the fruit mucilage (which looks honey-like) after being de-pulped.  This imparts a higher sugar content and a more round, less aggressive yet still vibrant, acidity and body than you would find in its washed counterparts. Please head on over here to learn more about this (honey) process.

The Details:
Farm: A group of small producers in the Chiyuc Community
Region: Coban
Process: Honey Processed
Varietal: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica
Elevation: 1,400-1,470 MASL

We Taste: Butterscotch aromatics give way to brown sugar sweetness, complemented by a white-grape acidity and a silky mouthfeel, all perfectly balanced in the cup.

Kiungu. Embu, Kenya

We couldn’t be more excited to bring you our first ever in-house roasted coffee from Kenya. This country has quite the reputation in specialty coffee. And for good reason. Kenyan coffees are known for their dynamic acidity which contributes to a broad range of sweet, savory and fruity flavor experiences. This coffee - from the Kiungu Factory of Thambana Farmers Cooperative Society in the Embu region - will take your taste buds on a saturated journey across all of those diverse flavor spectrums. As Kenyan coffees so often do, this one will shatter all your expectations of what coffee can and should be. We're pretty confident this makes our Kenyan a worthy recipient of our “Top Shelf” label.

The Details:  
Farm: Kiungu Factory (mill) of the Thambana Farmers Cooperative Society
Region: Embu
Process: Kenya-style “double” fermentation
Varietal: SL28, SL34 and Ruiru 11
Elevation: 1,650-1,700 MASL

We taste: Initially very much like a washed Yirgacheffe - black tea, floral and notes of lemon. But it quickly gives way to a creamy, dynamic cup with punchy tomato & grapefruit-like acidity, blackberries and a long, sweet finish.

And just when you thought we were finished... 

Still more changes coming! 

Our quick feature from Tana Toraja, Sulawesi, is around about another week or so. Grab some while you can! We’ve got a great new coffee from Rwanda coming in right behind it so keep your eyes out for more info about that. And don't forget...

Now is your last chance to get your hands on some of our El Eden before it’s gone until next summer!!!



Like Coffee and Chocolate

It is a fact universally appreciated that the right bar of chocolate is a rather idyllic mate for the right cup of coffee. Or at least it should be. And that's one reason why we want to give our customers the option of enjoying this perfect pairing.

And of course, as a company dedicated to meticulous attention to our craft we will always seek partnerships with similar artisanal, hand-crafted trades as we grow in our offerings and seek to further please you- our beloved patrons. And so we proudly announce that we are now selling Nashville-based Olive & Sinclair chocolate bars and bourbon brittle. What's more- very soon we will be adding products from the famed Mast Brothers Chocolate out of New York City. Mast Brothers may not claim the "southern flair" of sorts that we appreciate sharing with Olive & Sinclair, but they do treat their single-origin chocolate the in same way we treat coffee- developing the unique characteristics of each origin. 

And just to further prove what a match we make, take a look at what a similar process we go through in creating each… 
{photos from Olive & Sinclair website} 

 Well until they get to this part. Salivating yet?


New Coffees Round 1

Hopefully you've seen, and tasted, for yourself that we began serving 3 of our new coffees in our cafes this past week. Most have been previewed a bit before but now it’s time to make it official! As always we are very eager to share with you these delicious new gems. With each new round of coffees, we continue to hone in on our vision for what we want to offer as a company, and we feel like we're getting closer and better every time. So, without further ado, (drum roll please) let the introductions begin!

Inkwell: Quills' first ever House Blend 
Did we just say "house blend"? You bet. Many quality-focused roasters are coming back around to find a place for blends in their lineup while still maintaining the quality they love in their single origins. Now it’s our turn. This blend is a project long in the making for Quills; One that required us to dip our quill deep into the well of our creativity and coffee passion. This house blend has something for everyone, but it’s not just a simple crowd-pleaser. The first “chapter” in our new story represents everything we are proud to showcase in our coffees: care in production, intentional sourcing, and a roaster’s unique touch, all balanced in a complex, delicate dance. It’s been a long time coming, but it's worth the wait.



Current Coffees: Santa Teresa, Chiapas, Mexico; Konga Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia; Finca Los Congos, Nicaragua
Varietal: Pacas, Mundo Novo (Mexico), Heirloom (Ethiopia), Pacamara (Nicaragua)
Elevation: 1,200-2,250 MASL

We taste: Caramel aromatics give way to a pleasing, smooth mouthfeel and hints of chocolate, balanced nicely with notes of lemon, apricot and cherry in a lingering finish.


 {following two pictures provided by our friends at Cafe Imports. Click through for more information provided by their visits and education}

Finca La Bolsa, Mirador Microlot - Guatemala

Last year’s coffee from Jorge Vides Molina’s Finca La Bolsa was one of the standouts of our fall lineup, and this year’s should be no different. Molina’s farm has gained quite the reputation for quality year after year in specialty coffee, and they contribute in exciting ways to their community through educational and environmental efforts. His farm is one we’re proud to support on a regular basis. This particular lot-dubbed “Mirador”-is notable for its clean, crisp acidity and vibrant fruit notes. 



Farm: Finca La Bolsa
Region: La Libertad, Huehuetenango
Process: Fully washed and sun-dried
Varietal: Bourbon, Caturra
Elevation: 1,400-1,600 MASL

We taste: A particularly clean cup with a snappy, bright acidity that allows for a sweetness and tart cherry to shine through with mild floral notes.


Tana Toraja, Sulawesi

After a stint earlier this year with a great coffee from Papua New Guinea, we are shifting our sights briefly toward the other standout growing area within the Asia Pacific region: Sulawesi. This coffee- which will only be around for a limited time- stands out even among its Sulawesi peers for being higher grown and of a better Arabica hybrid as opposed to the many lower-grown Robusta-heavy hybrids typical to much of the region. Additionally, its traditional Central American-style washed process makes for a cleaner, more dynamic cup than what you might commonly find among the more well-known wet-hulled coffees of Indonesia. A great breakfast coffee try it while it’s still around!



Farm: Various small holders
Region: Tana Toraja
Process: Fully washed and sun dried at a central mill
Varietal: Typica hybrid
Elevation: 1,200-1,800 MASL

We taste: An herbacious and highly aromatic coffee with a lively grapefruit-like acidity, bell-pepper undertones and a savory, full body.


Quills Teaser Time: more new coffees to flip out over

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So here's a little tongue-taste-teaser of what Quills has coming down the line. Of course we will have much more info to come 'cause... well, you know how we do.  (But for now just read them out-loud-mispronunciations welcomed.... 'cause i mean... they just rollllll off that tongue) 

  • Mirador, Finca La Bolsa Guatemala
  • Kiungu, Kenya (Top Shelf)
  • Tana Toraja, Sulawesi (special quick feature that will only be around 4-5 weeks, followed by something else awesome)
  • An as-yet-to-be-named honey-processed Guatemalan from an area near Coban (Top Shelf- our fist coffee from Thrive Farmers!)

And of course those pride-with-no-charge Quills exclusive blends:

  •   Inkwell (Mexico, Konga, Los Congos)
  •   Blacksmith Espresso switched up with Koban, PNG, Rio Azul Guat.


Quills Straight to Your Door: Coffee Subscription and Wholesale Services

We are so excited to launch new services allowing us to get Quills carefully roasted coffee into your hands more easily and efficiently. We'd like to tell you exactly how we're doing that with our Subscription options and Wholesale partnerships:

Joining the likes of such familiar American luxuries as mail, pizza, Avon and recently- a growing number of quality crafted goods, Quills Coffee can now be delivered straight to your door!

Sign up for a 3-month, 6-month or 12-month plan and receive two or four bags of our brilliant roaster's greatest picks- delivered fresh to you! Each plan includes free shipping and access to web specials and coupons (and the 6-month and 12-month plans include a free t-shirt!)

Interested in serving our coffee at your coffee shop, restaurant, or grocery store? How about at your church, in your office or school? Contact us about setting up a wholesale account and we'll be happy to roast and deliver fresh to you and your guests & patrons. 

If you'd like to see just a few examples of the type of quality and goodness you'll be receiving- check out our profiles on a few of the coffees we've roasted and featured so far this year- and the stories behind them. 

  El Eden. Guerrero, Mexico  
  Finca Los Congos. San Fernando, Nicaragua 
  Michicoy Microlot. Finca Vista Hermosa. Guatemala


How to Order Coffee at Quills

{Thanks to Michael Butterworth for writing up this very simple, helpful and practical how-to}

Unless you studied Italian in college, the menu of your local coffee spot can probably be pretty intimidating. Especially when you consider the variances between the many different shops spread throughout a city (ex: a Macchiato at Starbucks vs most other shops proves a quite ample discrepancy in milk & sugar volume). At Quills we've tried to simplify it as much as possible, but that doesn't keep first-time visitors from feeling a decent amount of trepidation while trying to decide what to order. Sure, we could sit around and point fingers at the companies who decided us Anglophones had to order coffee in language we don't know, but at this point it's too late in the game to do anything about it. 

Rather than taking a remedial Italian course at U of L, let me commend my patent-pending method for ordering coffee at Quills. It starts with a series of reflective questions. 



Q: Do I want something hot or cold? 

If your answer is Hot: Proceed to the next question. We default to hot drinks. 

If your answer is Cold: Just add the word "iced" before your beverage. We can make most of our drinks iced. 

Q: Do I want something that's milky? 

If your answer is No: Order a filter coffee, Americano, or espresso. If you have a few minutes, consider trying one of our single origin coffees brewed with a pour-over method, such as a Chemex or Hario V60. 

If your answer is Yes:  How much milk do you want? 

Just a little: Try a cortado or cappuccino. These classic beverages are a wonderful balance of milk and and espresso. A well made cappuccino is especially creamy and delicious. 

A lot: Order a latte. Lattes are less coffee-forward, but a good option if you want something to sip on for a while. If you want something a little sweeter, the Cafe Miele (made with cinnamon and honey), remains a crowd favorite. 

Q: What if I don't want coffee? 

We have a selection of carefully sourced teas and yummy bottled drinks. Nothing beats a San Pellegrino soda in the summer time. 

In conclusion, don't be afraid to ask your barista questions. Contrary to popular stereotypes, we actually love questions and promise we won't make fun of you once you're out the door. Our job is to make you delicious coffee! 


Quills and Craft Coffee

We'd be lying if we said we didn't get a little giddy any time we're praised for making good coffee. Even your tiniest compliments put a little extra skip in our step and spur us on to work even harder. 

And It is with this deep gratitude that Quills excitedly announces the honor of our own El Eden's selection into Craft Coffee's September box. 

Craft Coffee is a coffee subscription service that allows patrons to receive monthly tasting boxes featuring three (likely new-to-you) premium coffees from roasters around the country. The selected beans are chosen through a scrupulous blind evaluation performed by an expert tasting panel. You can find much more about this service here.

Here are some more specific reasons why this is such a big deal: 

-- The coffee was blindly cupped through several rounds of tasting, alongside 72 other coffees from some excellent roasters. Only three coffees out of 72 were selected. The panel looks for coffees that are interesting, unique and completely free of defect and this one fit the bill. Craft puts it like this: "With less than 6% of the coffees we sample making it past our experts' palates, Craft Coffee is more selective than Harvard!"

-- This is only the 3rd Mexican coffee Craft has ever featured in over 2 years. Mexican beans don't have the greatest reputation in boutique coffee. They were blown away by this one on every level. 

-- It is very common for Craft to receive samples from roasters that they have never heard of. What is not common is for those unheard of roasters to get in to Craft's box on their first try. In fact, QUILLS IS THE FIRST ROASTER EVER to submit to Craft as a roaster that they hadn't heard of AND GET IN TO THE BOX ON THE FIRST TRY.

Quills will now be exposed to 2000 coffee nuts who have never heard of us, and Tiger Orchid's story of working with these underprivileged farms will spread much more widely. We will also be bringing in more of this coffee, to keep it around longer and sell more of it after we send out 500 lbs. to Craft in September. 

Of course you can pick up your own bag online or in any or our stores. And if you haven't previously- please read more about Tiger Orchid and this stellar Mexican coffee's unique dry process here. Thanks so much for being our most amazing fans and supporters!  

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