Quills Teaser Time: more new coffees to flip out over

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So here's a little tongue-taste-teaser of what Quills has coming down the line. Of course we will have much more info to come 'cause... well, you know how we do.  (But for now just read them out-loud-mispronunciations welcomed.... 'cause i mean... they just rollllll off that tongue) 

  • Mirador, Finca La Bolsa Guatemala
  • Kiungu, Kenya (Top Shelf)
  • Tana Toraja, Sulawesi (special quick feature that will only be around 4-5 weeks, followed by something else awesome)
  • An as-yet-to-be-named honey-processed Guatemalan from an area near Coban (Top Shelf- our fist coffee from Thrive Farmers!)

And of course those pride-with-no-charge Quills exclusive blends:

  •   Inkwell (Mexico, Konga, Los Congos)
  •   Blacksmith Espresso switched up with Koban, PNG, Rio Azul Guat.