On May 27th, 2013 a familiar bespectacled & vested Philip Revell - his gaze projected from under that enviable distinguished wave of hair - concentrated on his very last pour at Quills Coffee.
It was a winner.
Philip has been with Quills for over four years and has been a major player in the growth, success and passion of this small but dynamic operation. No one can be served coffee by Philip without thinking "Now that guy knows what he's doing. And man- he's all about it. And geez- he's a really nice guy too. And oh boy- has anyone ever told him he looks like Leonardo DiCaprio?"
Philip's unwavering devotion to detail and quality are invaluable. His patience and genuine kindness with customers, co-workers and all he meets come naturally alongside a passion to simply share the things he loves with others. And his tolerance in being told countless times how much he looks like Leo is pretty remarkable too (though- come on- how bad can that truly be). Philip is in the truest meaning of the word- a pleasure for every one of us to work with.
“To me, Philip has always embodied what Quills is all about- probably better than anyone. He’s amazing at holding an intense passion for coffee (and really anything he is into, let’s be honest) with his warm, welcoming spirit. He loves what he loves, but he doesn’t condescend and make people feel like idiots if they don’t get it. He’s just an all-around heart-on-the-sleeve kind of guy which has been one of the most fun parts about working with him on the Ops team. He always fights for what he believes in and pushes his organization- or team or group or whomever he is with- to a deeper level. And seriously, how can you not love a guy who puts peanut butter on his Najla’s sweet breads? :)”
“Philip, Louisville’s coffee community is indebted to your many contributions through the years. You’ve truly been a trailblazer and you’ll be sorely missed. ”
“No matter how good I thought I was, Philip always had something to teach me.”
“I remember a few days early on in my time with Quills training with Philip. He always seemed so passionate about what Quills is doing. I remember chatting with him about life and love and marriage as he was walking through things with Ashley. It takes a lot of work to be Philip Revell but it’s worth it. And we’ve all benefitted from his presence. We’re also all a bit envious of his tendency to be so suave and debonair! And who can forget the Thai No. 5- quite possibly the most brilliant espresso concoction I’ve ever tasted. ”
“Philip makes coffee-making look really really cool - like everyone will admire you and think you’re awesome forever just because you’re a barista. At least that’s what everyone seems to think of Philip. So I quit my lucrative super fancy big-time job to be a barista and enjoy a reputation just like Philip’s. Yeah.... apparently it doesn’t work for everyone. Darn you Philip!!!! (Of course - every preceding word was a total lie EXCEPT for the Philip being ridiculously cool part). PHILIP- So thankful to have gotten the chance to work with you and learn from you and dance to Girl Talk when we had to close together some late Friday night. So excited for all that is to come for you and Ashley!!”
“I first ‘hired’ Philip when he had emo bangs in 2008. He & Eric Bray - the 1st manager at Quills - helped me pack up our basement and load it up on a moving truck. He’s worked for me for nearly six years. He helped demo, clean, buildout & open the Baxter location. I’ve seen several hair styles & dozens of Leonardo references. I’ve been privileged enough to hear his first ‘Ryan Adams-esque’ demos along with some of his underground, seldom heard hardcore rap demos. I witnessed his foray into fine beers, bourbon & scotch and bought him a bottle for his 21st birthday. I witnessed the suspenders come & go, but the creepy five finger shoes have hung around (they freak me out). I’ve watched him become a phenomenal coffee educator & competitive barista. And I’ve watched him fall in love & walk through the excitement of engagement. In many ways I’ve had the honor of watching Philip mature into a trustworthy coworker & honorable man. Its been one of the more memorable relationships of my adult life & truly a joy of my Quills career.”
“Philip has a way of enabling people to experience and enjoy good coffee, or just good things, and that is invaluable. Phil, I Thai # melt your face off, I love you. Keep thinking with your entire body.”
Philip will soon be marrying his lovely gal Ashley and they'll ride off to new adventures in New York City. He hopes to continue in another great passion- making good music. In fact, he just finished tracking a 5 song ep which he hopes to release this fall. You can find his music here http://philipjamesrevell.bandcamp.com
Thanks for everything Philip. We love you!