Quills Returns to Coffee Fest


Time for another round of Coffee Fest. This time in the windy city. This weekend- Houston, Jesse and Luke will head up North for Chicago's annual turn at the popular tradeshow. Houston will be competing again in the latte art championship. Luke and Jesse will be there to learn a ton, keep updated on what's happening in the industry and of course- be Houston's biggest cheerleaders. 

(We talked about the last coffee fest in NYC here and here

Luke says: 

"It's hard to believe, but despite more than 9 years in the coffee industry, I have never had the chance to make it to Coffee Fest. I have wanted to partake for a long time, but it's never worked out. Never too late to get started! I'm looking forward to several of the opportunities for my own and Quills' ongoing development, that are offered through the classes and networking opportunities there. Also, my last time in Chicago was as a pre-coffee-nut college kid so it's long overdue for me to experience the Chicago coffee scene!"

 Follow us on Twitter to keep updated on how Houston's faring as well as general updates from the fest.