New Coffees: Cenfrocafe. Cajamarca, Peru

As we said before- Quills is moving excitedly forward and along with the wider coffee world and we're taking you with us. Throughout the next week we will be highlighting each of our new coffees and telling you their stories - including the valuable people who raised 'em. We think this will greatly enhance your drinking experience and pleasure - and make you a little smarter too. First up is a little tale about some beans who grew up in Peru 

​Click through the image see more pictures taken by our importer Cafe Imports

​Click through the image see more pictures taken by our importer Cafe Imports


Our latest offering from Peru comes to us from the Cenfrocafe Coop, one of the leading collections of innovators in that coffee-growing region today. As one of the strongest coops in Peru, the collective represents more than 1,900 families in 84 partner networks in 100 bases of the provinces of Jaén, San Ignacio and Bagua. These areas have actually been frontier regions in the last 40 years. Because many of the farmers in the area had been growing food and rice, coffee production represented new territory, and this has left much room for innovation. 

All of this fits within the larger values of the coop as this collective of families pursues a holistic approach; Tying together methods aimed at economic, social, environmental and institutional improvement. These values and innovations have stimulated a mutually beneficial cycle for coffee growers and importers as incentives for higher quality stimulate greater innovations, better results for the farmers and their families, and finally, great coffees for you!

The Cenfrocafe Coop has no shortage of skilled farmers who cup their coffees with a keen eye for quality. Their ability to select and blend together the best offerings is unsurpassed in the region. This particular lot is no exception, and perhaps even represents some of their best output that we have tried. We taste a clean cup with floral and citrus overtones, featured nicely within a nutty almond-and-caramel sweetness. Look for hints of stone fruit as well.

We’re excited to bring you this coffee and to bring both you and our company as a whole into connection with this great group of innovators from Cenfrocafe. This coffee will be featured regularly on batch brew in all of our shops beginning later this week, and will be available for retail purchase Look for it to be featured in Cold Brew this summer. Enjoy!

A little more detail:

Farm: Many small-holding farmers in the Cenfrocafe Coop.

Region: Cajamarca

Process: Fully washed and dried at each farm

Varietal: Typica, Caturra, Bourbon

Elevation: 1,200-1,600 MASL

Watch the video below from our importer, Cafe Imports, featuring farmers from the Cenfrocafe Coop

This video hightlights our most recent trip to Northern Peru to visit CENFROCAFE. Absolutely stellar FTO CENFROCAFE Perus will be in our warehouse soon! We are very excited. We hope you enjoy this look into the culture of Northern Peru!

Of Coffee Love and Basketball

Sometimes there is a sort of false dichotomy sensed -or even expressed- that one cannot be in to artisan coffee/spirits/food and also sports (thinking of the humorous but stereotyping Bud Light-type commercials here). Not a bit true! As the NCAA tournament is now in full heated swings- and cries of ruined brackets ring throughout all the lands- we asked a few big fans of both Quills and the other greatest American pasttime to share who and what they're recently rooting for -both on the court and on their tastebuds. We'd love for you to share your preferred team and/or drink with us too. 


A Word from Quills: Menu Updates and Warm Sentiments

Hard as it is to believe, Quills is in its sixth year of creating coffee goodness in the Louisville area. In the last 18 months alone, we have opened two new stores and begun selling our own freshly roasted coffee regionally to grocers and other cafés as well as nationally on the web. 

As we’ve come to believe and say around here: Great coffee enhances your life. We savor the chance to slow down and enjoy something that has been handled with care in every step of the process; Something that presents such complex and varied flavors.  As we have pursued this passion, we’ve seen the need to continue to push further toward bringing the best, most life-­‐enhancing coffees we can to this energetic community of coffee drinkers and makers in Louisville, New Albany, and beyond.  

More broadly- the coffee industry as a whole continues to evolve and grow, moving beyond a mere commodities market to a specialty industry in its own right; One that provides a product that not only enhances our lives but brings a sustainable future to those who grow it and brew it. Additionally, in the past year, we have had many exciting conversations both with our current coffee importer and with numerous others who are inviting us not only to pursue even better coffees but to get even closer to the farmers who produce them. 

As these new opportunities come along, we want to boldly step into them and take you - our invaluable patrons - with us.

Necessary to these steps forward come some adjustments to our menu and prices on some of the coffees and drinks we offer. These changes reflect our commitment to doing everything we’ve said above now and for the long haul here in Louisville and beyond. As with anything that truly adds value to our lives, there is a price. But we believe it is a price well worth paying as we see coffee continue to reveal its place alongside the prized craft foods, beers and wines that already enrich our lives. It is Quills' great desire to be a part of this particular devotion to excellence for a long time to come.  Additionally, we know we all hope to see the many great innovators and artisans who partner with us and grow our coffee achieve long-­ term success for their farms and families.

With those goals in mind, we have taken several months to analyze the data in order to discover where price changes are needed and where they can be minimized or avoided. We have also made every effort to minimize our costs by running a prudent operation and securing the best possible prices from the vendors we work with. Every change has been decided upon carefully. 

At the end of the day, we think you will find that none of the price changes are dramatic, and all reflect the constantly evolving value of what Quills Coffee provides. To say it all in brief: Slight bumps in prices mean higher leaps in coffee excellence. That’s not a bad trade off.

Below you will find a copy of our new menu, with a few notes pointing out significant details. These changes will go into effect on April 4th at all 3 of our locations. We recommend a V60 of Finca Los Congos while you read.

{click on menu to download larger pdf}

Chat w/ Quills Latte Art Competitors Houston and Michael

Houston and Michael are off to Coffee Fest New York to compete in the Latte Art competition. Before they left, we asked them to share a bit about how they've been preparing and what they're anticipating. First Round- Michael goes up against fellow Kentuckian Justin Shepherd Friday morning at 9:20am. Houston battles Tsuyoshi Onishi at 10:10am.

{note: please click on names above to go to their respective Twitter accounts and virtually tag along during their momentous weekend}​

​Could you please explain in your own words what you'll be doing... What it looks like to compete? Is this your first competition? If not- where have you competed before?

Michael: The Latte Art World Championship Open is something like the NCAA tournament- only without the shoe deals and the press coverage. Baristas go head-to-head, pouring a design into espresso with steamed milk.  The better pour advances until there's only one barista left. The losers are thrown into the Rancor pit. 
Houston: ​We'll be heading to the big ol' city of New York to pour milk competitively. Yup, there's a cup with espresso in it. And a pitcher with milk. Whoever can make the prettiest combination of the two leaves with $2000 and a pointy trophy. I competed in last year's Coffee Fest Chicago but didn't do so hot. This year will be different! And of course we're always attending the monthly TNTs in the city. 

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​What are you most excited about? Most nervous about? 

Michael: ​Besides seeing New York for the first time, I'm excited for the chance to meet some of the best baristas in the business. I'm nervous that I'll get up there and forget how to pour latte art entirely. There are at least a million things I could very easily screw up.           Houston:  Definitely equally excited about the competition and about exploring the city since I've never been. And as far as most nervous...Eh, I'll think about that later.

What have you been doing to prepare?​

Michael: The best preparation for a competition like this is a busy shift on bar. When you've got ten drinks waiting to be made the pressure is on. The challenge is not to compromise or cut corners while working as efficiently as possible. I want each drink I make at Quills to look and taste great.  Really that's what these competitions are about: being better baristas to better serve our customers.​                                                                                            Houston:  Pull shot, Steam milk, Pour, Scowl, Pull shot, Steam milk, Pour, Curse

How long does the competition last? Will you be traveling with/meeting any coffee biz friends there?

Michael: Louisville will be well represented in the Big Apple. Although only one is actually competing, five baristas from Sunergos will be at Coffee Fest and a couple of my other good friends were hired to help run media for the event. Several other Louisvillian expats will be there too. Ryan Soeder is a Louisville native and he won the whole thing a couple of years ago. Kenny Smith of Sunergos came in second in Chicago and I think this could be his year. If I was a betting man, (and if I could find a bookie that took bets on latte art competitions) I would wager that Houston is going to surprise a lot of people in this competition. He's been pouring some incredible stuff lately. Coffee Fest is from Friday to Sunday but my wife and I will be staying an extra day to check our some museums and restaurants.                           Houston: I'm taking a plane in, and staying in a hotel. "Roughing it" I believe is the term. Coming in on Thursday, heading out on Sunday. 


What else do you look forward to learning/seeing/doing while there?

Michael: We're going to the opera with my wife's uncle, who lives in Queens. I've never been to the opera before but I'm hoping it's like my favorite Marx Brothers movie, A Night at the Opera.​ New York has a ton of great cafes and coffee shops. Everyman EspressoThird Rail Coffee, and Joe's Pro Shop are a priority. If I get over to Brooklyn I would love to check out Tobey's Estate. For restaurants Momofuko Ssåm Bar is a must and I also hope to make it to Mission Chinese Food.                                                                                           Houston: It's fun to see everyone's styles in the competition and to talk to everyone at the convention. And having free samples send back home to the shop. Three pounds of single origin Hawaiian chocolate was an exciting surprise last year. 

​{Click on bracket below to see larger version}

And They're Off! Quills at Coffee Fest NYC

Well we are missing a milk pitcher from Quills on Baxter which means one of two things: Either the infamous Louisville stainless steel milk pitcher thief escaped from prison OR... Houston and Michael have packed their suitcases with all necessary weaponry for the latte art battle of the year!  

Yep- our boys are off to the bright lights of New York City to further expand their coffee wits and of course to dominate in some latte art at Coffee Fest NYC. (Learn more about Coffee Fest here )

There will be lots to do and learn in the big city but Houston and Michael will be focusing their energies on the Latte Art Championship

From the Website: ​

 This exciting 64 Competitor, bracket style, sudden death format features head to head competition as "a match" between the competitors. The competitor receiving the highest score from the three judges advances and the loser is eliminated. Competitors are given three minutes to produce one drink for the judges which is then scored against the competitor at the facing machine.
Judging is based on five categories:
1) Aesthetic Beauty
2) Definition
3) Color Infusion
4) Degree of Difficulty and Creativity                                                                               5) Speed

Last year Louisvillian (and Sunergosian) Kenny Smith ​brought home second place in Chicago. Also in 2012- former Louisvillian Ryan Soeder placed second in New York. We're excited to see what our artful city might claim this year, but no matter what- we're confident in some stellar representation by our beloved baristas.   ​

​Kenny's second place pour in Chicago 2012

​Kenny's second place pour in Chicago 2012

Find out when Houston, Michael, Kenny, Ryan and other friends are competing this weekend by following the bracket found HERE ​

You can follow along the America's Best Coffeehouse Competition - headed up by other Louisville friends by following the links found here ​

Quills goes to Coffee Fest. Davinci Gourmet Presents: Americas Best Coffeehouse Competition

Coffee Fest NYC is just 4 short days away and Louisville baristas are ready to represent. Quills own Houston Miller and Michael Butterworth will be competing in the latte art competition (more on that later). From Sunergos- our friends Jesse Harriot and Danny Loeschen are key players in running the "America's Best Coffeehouse Competition" sponsored by Davinci. We will post the livestream links below so that you can tune in to that competition. Let us know what you think and perhaps Quills can join in next year. 

Stop in to Quills Baxter or Quills U of L this week and shout out a hearty Good Luck! Houston and Michael. We know they're gonna rock it! ​

Support Louisville baristas Jesse and Danny by tuning in to America's Best Coffeehouse LiveStream:​

  Friday the 8th

  Saturday the 9th

  Sunday the 10th Finals

" America's Best Coffeehouse Competition is made possible by the generous support and sponsorship of the following companies. DaVinci Gourmet is the proud presenting sponsor. Design & Layout Services designed and fabricated the coffeehouse competition venue. SelbySoft, Inc. point of sale systems and Natvia the 100% Natural Sweetener are proud to support this competition and coffeehouses across America. Mahlkoenig has provided the whole bean and espresso grinders."

Quills. Staying Young

Yesterday our roastery and cafe in New Albany got a quite adorable little visit. No we are not using children as our new coffee taste-testers. We tried but their moms wouldn't let us. ​

These awesome, curious, naturally energetic kiddos came to learn all about what goes in to making and selling coffee as well as the occupations & opportunities a person might pursue in the coffee world  (meaning future barista recruits. Yes!)

Needless to say- they were pretty darn cute

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The kiddos practiced ordering drinks (lots of hot chocolates). They loved all the goodies but were a little disappointed there were no donuts. Us too guys. Us too. ​

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