New Coffee: Finca Los Congos

As we mentioned last week- we have some new coffees making their debut. 

This week we'll begin to roast Los Naranjos -  San Agustin, Huila Colombia. We are enjoying its delicate citric fruitiness (light pineapple tartness & sweetness) and soft body (yes that does feel as awkward to type as you might think). We will be serving this one on drip as well as manually. Expect it very soon.

And available right now through retail and manual brew is our Finca Los Congos - San Fernando, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua  - our first official "Top Shelf" lineup offering. 

Roaster Jesse Myers says  "I enjoy this coffee for its rich sweetness, pleasant herbaciousness and creamy mouth feel." Be sure to check out the full details below.

Cheers to new coffee and expanding in pronunciation skills!

  Farm: Finca Los Congos, Region: Nueva Segovia, Country: Nicaragua

Quills brings this coffee to you from Finca Los Congos located in the town of San Fernando in the Department of Nueva Segovia. The mountain that houses this farm is located in the northern region of Nicaragua close to the Honduran border. Coffees from this region, as opposed to Matagalpa/Jinotega, have proved to be superior in the cup due to higher altitude in this part of Nicaragua. We expect this coffee to hold a special place in your home brewing line up. Enjoy.

  • Quick Tasting Notes: Tart cherry and chocolate flavors with citric acidity 
  • Variety: Pacamara
  • Altitude: 1550 MASL (Meters Above Sea Level)
  • Process: Fully Washed and sun dried 
  • Producer: Rene Martin

In & Out: New Coffees (with long but pretty names)

Quills People: 

We've got some phasin' in, phasin' out happening which means it's time to say "See ya around. It's been a dream." to some of your recent favorite roasts and "Why hello. So nice to meet you. Lets make magic" to your new favorites.

Stay tuned as we will have more to share on each of these so your heads can get familiar with them as your taste buds do. 

For now- here's the word on what to expect...

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What's Coming:

*Finca Los Congos, Nicaragua is our newest top end coffee and is already featured in the new Blacksmith. It is in stores now available in retail bags and as an option for pour-overs. We are super excited to offer this as a top tier coffee and we think you'll really love it. Expect to taste tart cherry with an incredibly smooth, syrupy body and a chocolate/caramel sweetness. 

*Los Naranjos, San Agustin, Huila, Colombia is also already featured in Blacksmith and will be rolling out in cafes before the end of the month. This will replace the current Finca La Bolsa Guatemalan and will be available on batch drip in addition to pour-over. Anticipate this one coming very soon.

What's Leaving:

*Ethiopia Yirgacheffe ECX is on its final supplies right now

*Finca La Bolsa's is also running on its last leg this week and will soon be missing from the shelves.

*Monte Rosa and El Guayabo will likely be around until mid-March. We'll keep you updated.


Quills Meets MilkWood

Louisville's famed chef Edward Lee is spreading his culinary brilliance further across our great gastronomically-inclined city. MilkWood claims to be "comfort bar food with an Asian pantry" and is set to open below the lobby of Actors Theatre this weekend.

Even better - Quills is super excited to be providing coffee for the new woodsy, elegantly cozy joint. We think we're gonna feel right at home. 


Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Returns


It wasn't long ago that we introduced you to the exquisite short-supplied Ethiopia Yirgacheffe ECX Top Lot. She had a good -if brief- run here at Quills but we must have done things right 'cause she came back! 

For approximately three weeks - beginning this Wednesday (1/23) - we will have our old Ethiopian friend for sale as whole bean and served in cafes through a V60 or Chemex manual brew.

Come by and pick some up 'cause this time - when she's gone, she's GONE!

January Home Brewing Classes

If you missed your chance to learn from our expert Quills trainers on how to brew a great cup of coffee at home, another opportunity is here. We will be offering three more home brewing classes at each of our locations this Saturday 1/26. Cost is $10 (unless you bought a holiday package and therefore received a complimentary class). Sign-up sheets are available at each store. If you would like to sign up but can't make it in, email the respective manager at the addresses listed below. 

January 26 Class Schedule:

Baxter Ave 10am

Cardinal Blvd 11am

New Albany 5pm

Looking Back at 2012 (Part III)

And finally we've arrived to the end of our little retrojourney. It would require triple digit segments and a painful excess of your patience to include every fancy-tickling moment we experienced in 2012. We think we've summed it up quite nicely though. 

(Click: Part I and Part II)

In July, Jim Marlowe opened up record shop Astro Black in the back of our Baxter store

We hired Texan Nick Langford and then later -and very recently- Jesse Myers to rock out the roasting in New Albany! 


We launched our Web Store!


We held our first Home Brewing classes



Get Your Very Own Quills Jacket

Covet your barista neighbors possessions no longer. Beginning now and before January 25th,  you can place an order for your very own Quills Coffee super comfy, super warm, super stylin' track jacket. 

Come into any Quills store and reserve yours. Cost is $40 which must be paid in full upon ordering. Again- you've got until January 25th. Hey- lets all wear them on the same day!!

{jackets are black with white piping and white print}
